Last week I made a Placemat/Chalk Mat for grandson.
It was really easy. First I cut the oil cloth and chalk fabric the size I wanted for mat. I cut a straight strip of oil cloth for the binding.
(I didn't bother with bias because oil cloth it wouldn't matter.)
The little pocket I estimated size for a couple of pieces of chalk.
On the pocket I used acrylic and put his first initial.
I have read that you are suppose to condition chalk cloth by rubbing with chalk.
I chose not to do this before giving as gift, so it would look better.
While I was at it, I cut two more mats and initials for my other two grandchildren.
They are too young for them now, but it will be easy to whip out when ready.
I also secretly cut out another to put in hope chest for two daughters that are not married and are in college. Recently I was thinking I ought to make an extra of everything I make for the step grandchildren and put back for my two girls for when they have children. Shhhhhhh
They are both in college.