Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Homemade Christmas

I made a few things early this month for an auction I go to every year.
I have been meaning to make some more, but this season I have had a very busy schedule, plus I am trying to organize AGAIN my sewing and craft room.

I know it is bad timing,  but it is a constant battle.  I believe anyone that sews, crafts, scrapbooks etc. know the constant battle with space.  Plus I am a fabricaholic!
Any way here is what I am sharing so far, easy and quick.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Razorback Pillow with grand babies

I made the earlier razorback ruffle onesie for my grandbaby.
For her mothers birthday I used printable fabric and printed 
a little collage of she and her brother for my step-daughters birthday.

Sorry about the darkness.  
We were staying in a house in Fayetteville 
that the inside is all wood.
In an earlier post I posted the outfit for Liz.

I just looked for black and white fabric from my stash!
I already had the store bought piping which I added.

I think it turned out pretty cute, don't you!
I'm a little prejudice!

Covered Snaps and Buttons


These are buttons and snaps I was talking about in my earlier post.
Aren't they pretty.  I would love to duplicate the entire outfit in another color.

How to Cover Snaps - Threads

How to Cover Snaps - Threads

Here is a great tutorial on how to cover ugly snaps. I love what they do, but I love them covered.
It gives your garments a more couture look with a little extra effort. I have a very high price point suit
that I want to copy. The buttons are self covered and snap on. They use the same effect on the sleeve and the pocket.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Cross-stitch and Ruffles

I added these Razorback ruffles to the back of a purchased onesie I bought at Walmart.
It was a gift to grand-baby girl who is 6 months old.
She is the youngest Cheerleader in the family now.

The red Liz is done is cross-stitch and the emblem came on the garmet.
I haven't cross-stitched in years and forgot how long it takes.
I used four strands of thread and I easily could have used three.
I will remember that next time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Placemat-Reversible Chalkmat

Last week I made a Placemat/Chalk Mat for grandson.  
It was really easy. First I cut the oil cloth and chalk fabric the size I wanted for mat.  I cut a straight strip of oil cloth for the binding.
(I didn't bother with bias because oil cloth it wouldn't matter.)
The little pocket I estimated size for a couple of pieces of chalk.
On the pocket I used acrylic and put his first initial.

I have read that you are suppose to condition chalk cloth by rubbing with chalk.
I chose not to do this before giving as gift, so it would look better.

While I was at it, I cut two more mats and initials for my other two grandchildren.
They are too young for them now, but it will be easy to whip out when ready.

I also secretly cut out another to put in hope chest for two daughters that are not married and are in college.  Recently I was thinking I ought to make an extra of everything I make for the step grandchildren and put back for my two girls for when they have children.  Shhhhhhh 
They are both in college.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Craft for Dorm

I made this giraffe for dorm room to go with previous post about decorating for daughters dorm.

This pattern is a Melly & Me pattern from Australia.  

It was so much fun to make and my daughter loves it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Dorm Decorating

Pillows and bathrobe made for dorm room and bedding.
I used some pillow forms that I already had to save money.

The fabric I bought from Fabric.com decor fabric section.

I did not put zipper in them, because I figure if they last a year in a dorm that's enough!
I am sure they will be on the floor most of the time : (

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Dorm Room Decorating

I was busy during August getting things made for my daughters dorm room.
I made these out of quilting hoops from my local Hancock's and inserted black canvas.
The giraffes are fussy cut from fabric I bought at Fabric.com.
Their bedding is a black and white giraffe print duvet set I bought from Overstock.com
I will post more tomorrow.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chalboard Kitchen Stool

This is the cutest idea from KnockKnocking. I think it would be a cute idea for college dorm room.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Ribbon holder

I found this while hopping around on flicker. This a wonderful creative idea for creating space and organizing a craft/sewing room.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Toddler Outfit

This is made for my step grandson who is 16 months old, but is in a 2.  
I cut out the same guitar shape and put on the back of the T-shirt as well.
I just love this fabric.  It has been in my stash since I first saw it and bought a yard.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I sure hope this quilt turns up for Red Pepper Quilts. She does such beautiful work, it would be a shame for it to go to waste or stolen.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Burp Cloth

I made this burp cloth for our new grandbaby.  I just love the died diaper with the paisley and green.
She has used it in a lot of  pictures so I suppose she (the mom) really likes it too.  I simply sewed the fabric on the ends and fussy cut the monkey for the applique.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Grandchild in Tutu

She is here and dressed in Tutu I made.
You just can't get cuter than babies!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I made this cute tutu out of hot pink, light pink, and chocolate brown for our soon to be grand baby girl.
I ordered the crochet cap from barpasell's shop on etsy.com

It was really a lot of fun to make, aside from Tulle wanting to fly every where.  When tulle is single layer it is hard to see, even with my bifocals!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sewing Room

This is my continuing process organization of my sewing room.

I still have a treadmill in room which I would like another place to keep.  I would love for my cutting table to be left open all the time!

Currently I have my ironing board on it.  Of course the treadmill doesn't get much use.