Saturday, August 3, 2013


I bought a new machine recently at the Matha Pullem Market in Dallas.
It was shipped to me in this HUGE box.

My grandson loved it!  The handles on the box made for great peep holes.  My husband taped it up and made it into a Fort.  
Our house was built in the 60's so the box would only fit into the front door and not into any of the other door ways.

This picture is taken of it on top of the car, getting ready to be transported to his house by my husband.  They just live in next neighborhood about a mile away.

I told my grandson to get his Mom to spray paint the box and leave the black band with Ellisimo BabyLock on it so that could be the name of his fort.  

Friday, August 2, 2013

Inspiration Board

I consider one of the most important things in a sewing room to be an inspiration board.  I use mine for sayings, project ideas, reminders, receipts until filed, pictures of family, etc...

36" x 46" with frame

So, I require a LARGE Inspiration Board
I knew I wanted a large one so I went to my attic.
I found a large frame that had been up there for over eleven years.
Yes, it was covered in dust and required some major scrubbing to be acceptable.  I love the frame though and had been saving for either of my girls when they get their own place.  It was just one of those things I just couldn't let go of!  Way too many possibilities of which I didn't know until now.   :)

I had Home Depot cut me a piece of plywood to fit 1 inch larger than frame.  I stuck 12 X 12 cork board bought from Office Depot to the board minus 5/8 inch all the way around.  My reasoning there is one inch board came out to be 1/2 inch all around larger than frame. On top of that I put thin batting I already had.

Sorry I didn't take pictures.  I was doing this at 10:30 at night and had not had dinner yet.  I was on a roll.

The purple linen I already had in my stash and had 3 1/2 yards of it.  It is a heavier weight like for bags.  I figured minus 40 inches wouldn't risk not having enough for another project someday.  
Plus, it was in stash, meaning it might be a long time before being used!  :)

On this project, I can say everything went BRAVO!
I stapled gunned the fabric on.  The board and cork fit perfectly into the lot.  By allowing 5/8" around board for the thin cork, it made it fit perfectly in frame.  
Using small nails I nailed to back of frame.  
I am now ready to Inspire myself!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


SIS BOOM  Pattern


This project got started late summer of 2012.  I got the dress all cut out and ended up working on gifts for others and never got it made.

I have now made and worn.  I love the pattern and how it turned out.  My husband is not into the print, he is a solid man, but I love it!  I am into all the new modern designer quilting cottons!

Sis Boom patterns allow for tall so they work out great for me.  I am 5 feet 8 inches and that is her longest length.  Therefore, I do not have to do the alterations.  It comes as a PDF and is very well drafted.  I shortened two inches and had to take in below bust down to hem 1/2 inch total.  I did this on the side seams.  The pattern has a long zipper down the back.  I made the size 6.

There was no mention of interfacing, but having experience, I put light iron on interfacing in the neck facing as well as the waist band.  I can't wait to make another.  :)


Before and After

BEFORE - yuck

As you can tell my ironing board is embarrassing!
I decided for my new sewing room, I needed to tidy things up a bit.
My first project was recovering my ironing board.  I did this before even getting my all my machine collection  over to the studio.

AFTER - better

It looks a little dizzy at this angle, but I am real pleased with it.
I left the previous padding on and used deco weight Premier Fabric to cover.
My thinking here was, I already had it on hand and stability over time would be better than quilting weight or plain cotton fabric.

I laid the board down on its'  back and cut the fabric around allowing for tuck and fold for elastic.
This was really simple and highly recommend it to anyone just to spruce up the sewing room.
